worth it tanan tubig nainom namo sa wavepool gahapon pati pamaol sa slides grabi
— mc (@boobeyish) December 21, 2021
Start at Charlie pride. Dolly pardon. I’m not trynna learn to swim in the wavepool
— Pandora's Boxer (@KTshmoov) December 20, 2021
I would like to thank all the boys in my class in carrying me to make sure I didn't drown during the wavepool. I've never felt this kind of teamwork as a class before.
— nat (@nyathieee_) December 20, 2021
The fine folks at @MalakyeCareers just put out the word for @bsrsurfresort Great opportunity for the right candidate.https://t.co/e3eU3burUw#CuriosityAndStoke #surftub #surftank #wavepool #waves #surf #stoke #surfpark #surfpool #wavepark #surfparks #freshwatersurf #poolday pic.twitter.com/EEPaovcRqq
— WavePoolMag (@WavePoolMag_) December 20, 2021
wavepool! pic.twitter.com/k2om6xwsw2
— Angeline C. Francisco (@girlinme) December 19, 2021
i will absolutely 100% head up a Kelly Slater Wavepool DAO project if there’s interest
— Leigh Drogen (@LDrogen) December 19, 2021
Which test pilot surfed the R&D facility best so far?#surflakes #surfing #wavepool #wavetech#surflakesyeppoon #wavepark #surflakes #everyonegetsawave #inlandsurfing #artificialwave pic.twitter.com/Ty12iHgGP6
— Surf Lakes (@Surf_Lakes) December 18, 2021
Keeping up my annual Christmas tradition of listening to Plastician’s Wavepool Mix while I put up the Christmas decorations. @KarefulUK Christmas would not be the same without it. pic.twitter.com/XPvRV9AHpC
— Lucy Kaufman (@lucykaufman_) December 18, 2021
It requires a trivially manipulable wavepool for billionaires to swindle the swayed hopeful. This is the only reason any of these projects get funded to be built. No easy manipulation = no web3. Bonus points for tax evasion advantages. https://t.co/CmsXXY97u1
— electrified filth (@sadisticsystems) December 17, 2021
It's not all death slabs and hissing pits on the lake. For those chasing a more serene glide, we've developed a wave that resembles log heaven over on 'The Beachie'#surflakes #surfing #wavepool #wavetech#wavepark #surflakes #everyonegetsawave #inlandsurfing #artificialwave pic.twitter.com/LhlUow7bxi
— Surf Lakes (@Surf_Lakes) December 17, 2021